Dicionário Online


Significado de Agencies

Agencies vem do verbo agenciar. O mesmo que: negocies, comercies.

Significado de agenciar

Tratar de negócios, trabalhar.
Solicitar, diligenciar, procurar.

Definição de Agencies

Flexão do verbo agenciar na: 2ª pessoa do singular do presente do subjuntivo, 2ª pessoa do singular do imperativo negativo

Outras informações sobre a palavra

Possui 8 letras
Possui as vogais: a e i
Possui as consoantes: c g n s
A palavra escrita ao contrário: seicnega

Rimas com agencies

Significado de agencies

"agencies" em frases

enforcement agencies enter the scene..

Em BioTerra

...The plan, which went by the name Project Oilsands, was only quashed when intelligence agencies got word that Soviet spies

Em blog0news

...restrictions that were implemented around the globe at the time by national public health agencies and governments, in accordance with the WHO?s guidance..

Em Palavrossavrvs Rex

...push through domestic terrorism legislation to improve intelligence sharing and coordination between law enforcement agencies following the mass shooting in Buffalo ? despite growing Republican opposition..

Em blog0news

considerable difficulty and comes to the attention of agencies ..

Em infohabitar - o blog do grupo habitar

Most homecare agencies will insist on 24/7 care?someone that stays in her apartment..

Em infohabitar - o blog do grupo habitar

...faces a crisis or is in considerable difficulty and comes to the attention of agencies

Em infohabitar - o blog do grupo habitar

intelligence agencies , diplomats, journalists, scholars and political insiders from Russia and the United States..

Em BioTerra

Police and @MiamiBeachFire responded to the scene along with several partner agencies ..


Without resorting to conspiracies, it would be extraordinary if national agencies (as well as large

Em BioTerra