Dicionário Online


Significado de Argue

Argue vem do verbo arguir. O mesmo que: pergunta, impugna, acusa, censura, argumenta, alega, culpa, contesta, acoima.

Significado de arguir

Alegar; apresentar provas, razões ou motivos: arguiu descontrole emocional para se livrar da culpa.
[Jurídico] Impugnar; tornar algo neutro por meio de argumentação: arguiu as provas com uma defesa irrefutável.
Revelar; expressar certo aspecto: arguia tristeza no rosto.

Definição de Argue

Flexão do verbo arguir na: 3ª pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo, 2ª pessoa do singular do imperativo afirmativo

Outras informações sobre a palavra

Possui 5 letras
Possui as vogais: a e u
Possui as consoantes: g r
A palavra escrita ao contrário: eugra

Rimas com argue

Significado de argue

"argue" em frases

...However, Paul?s friend Connor Cook had sometimes taken over while Paul stepped away to argue with his girlfriend, eventually hitting her..

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In a forthcoming Cornell Law Review article, Michaels and Noll argue that by deputizing the faithful of the conservative movement to attack the communities they...

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Fans argue that this will help seal America?s technological ascendancy over China, which has long pursued...

Em Aliás

The authors argue that optimistic assumptions about global emission reductions still put us on ?dangerous Earth system...

Em BioTerra

It is harder to argue with someone who believes what he says and knows what he is talking about...

Em BioTerra

We argue their

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But degrowthers argue that an endless desire for more ? bigger national

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As we argue like mad about the last election, while Trumpists pursue local secretary-of-state positions (not to...

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Why would he argue this??

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, we argue that ?home? is a problematic reference point for residential care..

Em infohabitar - o blog do grupo habitar