Dicionário Online


Significado de Arguês

substantivo masculino Casta de uva minhota.
Etimologia (origem da palavra arguês). Por areguês, de Aregos, n. p.?.

Definição de Arguês

Classe gramatical: substantivo masculino
Separação silábica: ar-guês

Outras informações sobre a palavra

Possui 6 letras
Possui as vogais: a e u
Possui as consoantes: g r s
A palavra escrita ao contrário: sêugra

Rimas com arguês

Significado de arguês

"argues" em frases

And nothing could be further from the truth, argues Professor Woolhouse, an expert on infectious diseases at Edinburgh University..

Em BioTerra

The biomass industry argues that emissions caused by cutting and burning trees are

Em BioTerra

Court of Auditors argues that the ?main reason? for the decline in forests? health is ?the increase in...

Em Tupiniquim

Hope, she argues , is not merely ?passive wishful thinking? but a ?crucial survival trait..

Em Tupiniquim

The White House argues that a

Em Tupiniquim

...non-sexualized photos of infants are typically not considered child pornography under law, the suit argues that the images of

Em blog0news

In that book, he argues for a minimalist state that never infringes on personal liberties..

Em Tupiniquim

Choyleva argues that passing higher costs on to domestic customers is difficult in China, as evidenced...

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Columbia Law professor Anu Bradford argues the


He argues that although rational thought may find a truth (or The Truth) it may never

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